The journey start with our first hero "Vahn" ( or so you name it ), came out of his house and walk toward the genesis tree.
After a little talk with the village elder, you can control vahn.
Head out and you'll stumble upon MEI, your supposed to be "Sweet heart"
Choose "Is Something Wrong? and "Sure go ahead" when you are asked to.
You should head back to your home to proceed with the story, BUT before that make sure to explore the village and do training with tetsu to learn your first ARTS
Here's the location:
- Magic Leaf x1 : Located inside the elder home on upper right of the village, inside cupboard on the left room.
- Train with Tetsu : Find him on the beach. He is a MONK
Choose "I want to practice with you" to initiate the training
He'll give you 1 "Healing Leaf" before fight.
This will be your first battle tutorial so make sure you get a hang of it.
As this is just a tutorial, you WONT DIE from this.
Just follow his instruction and learn your first ART, "Somersault"
When you have done, head HOME to trigger the story next sequence where MEI will be measuring you for your HUNTER CLOTHES.
Dont forget to take "1x Healing Leaf" on the cupboard.
Now when you get out of the house, a story will proceed with village's hunter came back from a hunt, with one of the member has been severely injured.
Turn out, the one injured is MEI's father JUNO.
Just follow the story until you can control VAHN inside MEI's house and run back home.
Talk with VAL, whis is your father, and choose YES to rest.
In the middle of the night, a strange sound from the village's MAIN GATE.
Your father ask you to investigate.
Choose YES to proceed with the story, and run toward village gate to investigate.
Talk with village elder to trigger the story, where ZETO the first villain will ask JUGGERNAUT to destroy village's gate and call the seru monster to invade the village.
Soon, seru monster will roam the village and you'll encounter your FIRST real battle with seru monster "GIMARD".
User your previous battle training knowledge with TETSU to win this fight.
Here's the strategy :
2. Use 3 and 4 ARTS afterward
3. Rinse and repeat
Here's the ART list that you can use:
Charging Scorch | Normal | 18 | Down, Right, Up |
Hyper Elbow | Normal | 18 | Left, Right, Left |
Power Punch | Normal | 18 | Left, Left, Down |
Slash Kick | Normal | 18 | Up, Down, Left |
Somersault | Normal | 18 | Up, Down, Up |
Cross-Kick | Normal | 24 | Down, Down, Down, Up |
Cyclone | Normal | 24 | Down, Up, Up, Up |
Hurricane | Normal | 24 | Up, Up, Down, Down |
PK Combo | Normal | 24 | Down, Up, Up, Left |
Pyro Pummel | Normal | 24 | Left, Right, Up, Left |
Spin Combo | Normal | 24 | Up, Down, Right, Left |
When you level up and your spirit bar can contain 5 bar, you can combine 2 arts altogether.
After GIMARD is defeated, you have 2 OPTION !
1st Option. Proceed With Story
Just head to the genesis tree after defeating GIMARD, and you;ll get META your Ra-Seru companion. which later can be used to absorb enemy monster ( with elemental attribute ), or to call up in the later game.
But i STRONGLY suggest to DONT DO THAT !!
Instead, take your time, to choose the 2nd option below to level up your character, which can benefit in the upcoming battle and journey.
2nd Option: Harcode Leveling Up (Glitch)
After defeating GIMARD, run back home and TALK to your li'l sister "Nene" ( little girl in pink dress ).
She'll give you an "unlimited" medicine as long as you are not wearing your Ra-Seru META ( from 1st option earlier )
Now all you have to do is battle as many GIMARD as you can outside, and came back to NENE to be healed For FREE!!
Go outside and touch any of these GIMARD to fight "over" and "over" again.
Dont use any healing item when leveling here, save it for later and have NENE heals you for free.
If you are hardcore leveler or grinding maniac, aim to reach level 5 ( which i do ).
If you are impatient, try to get at least level 4, as we can level up later on next destination which are "Hunter Spring" and "Drake Castle"

This will help you a lot later in DRAKE CASTLE where the monster are much much stronger.
During leveling, talk with item shop owner;s wife and choose any answers provided, and she'll give you "3x healing leafs".
Also, go to MEI's house and pick her up, by choosing the option "The mist is here".
And ask her to go to your house.
This will end up she'll giving you a present later on when you're about to leave the village for your journey.
An item called "Mei's Pendant" which boost your HP by 10%.
If you choose the other one, which are "Nothing to worry about", or "Lock all your doors and windows",
Then MEI will STAY at her house, and you wont get the pendant, so make sure you save her.
Now that the sweetheart is safe and sound, continue the leveling action, and kick another GIMARD's ass.
Rim Elm monster encounter:
- Gimard
- Gobu gobu
- Green Slime
All of the has HP below 100, so it should be easy when your level is 4 or above.
Now that you think you've enough grinding for level, head to the GENESIS TREE in the town square.
Approach the tree and TOUCH it with X button, and someone will talk inside VAHN's mind, that turn out to be the ra-seru META.
After short talking and wishy washy, VAHN accept META to be his Ra-Seru companion to drove out mist from the world of legaia.
In order to save the village from the mist, VAHN has to revive the genesis tree and need everyones to PRAY circling the tree.
Now go BACK to your house, and talk to your father VAL to gather all villager to the genesis tree.
But before that, now that you have Ra-Seru META on your side, you can absorb GIMARD ( and later many magical monster ) into you magic arsenal.
You now can call GIMARD to assist you on the battle as summoning magic.
Even if the damage is rather low, this is quite usefull in early game.
Now, continue head back to your house and talk to your father VAL to gather all villager on the genesis tree location.
Note: At this point IF you wish to continue leveling up, your sister NENE wont giving you any medicine again, so make sure to do the leveling BEFORE you get Ra-Seru META.
TOUCH the genesis tree and tap X button to initiate the pray and reviving the tree, and story will proceed and genesis tree power will drive away the MIST.
You'll then falls a sleep.
Story progress shows a sea funneral of the deceased villager, by all remaining villager, including MEI..
Now that the village is peacefull again, village head will give you a thanks and had a favor to rescue MEI's and tell about her IF only you wish to do it.
Choose YES to proceed.
MEI's mother MAYA turn out to be working at the BIRON MONASTERY but the monastery might be engulfed in the mist, so the elder ask you to investigate.
Now, head to the GATE and MEI will stop you.
Remember when you save her before when the mist came?
Now, you;ll get the prize.
A Mei's pendant which boost HP 10% up/
When MEI ask you, reply with "Are you alraight?"
This will deepen your relationship with her.
Now that the farewell has done, step out the gate.
But WAIT dont go just yet !!
Back to the village and enter ITEM SHOP 2nd floor and open the drawer to get POINT CARD, and proceed to buy weapon and armor downstair.
You'll get a point each time you purchase any equipment or item from any shop, that can be used to damage opponent in battle.
Now, buy all equipment you can afford.
Ideally you had to buy and equip all the armor and weapon sold here.

Now that you have gearing up, time to move to the next destination, THE HUNTER SPRING.