Chapter 12 - Gate of Shadow

Upon enter the "Gate of Shadow" area, you'll meet the "Delilas Family" for the first time, and Vahn will be challenged by "Gi Delilas" to one on one duel.

But seems that they had another matter, so they postponed the duel later. Now that they are gone, pick up a "Magic Leaf" on the upper part of the area, and get a seru magic "Gizam" and "Zenior" lv 2 if you hasnt had one already.

Now, head to the colorized stone, and enter the password below for each of them:

  • North = Earth
  • East = Wind
  • South = Water
  • West = Fire

After entered correctly, the center flower stone will be open a portal for the three to enter. Throw the "Star Pearl" into the liquid, and you may enter.

Enter to explore the dungeon of "Ancient Path".

Now follow the way until you meet the first forked road, and take the LEFT one to pick up a "Healing Flower".

Now back to the forked way earlier and take the RIGHT path to the next. Pick up a :Healing flower a long the way.

Now on the next forked road, take the RIGHT path, to pick up a "Life Ring", back and take the LEFT path.

Now back and take the LEFT path to reach the next forked road, and take the RIGHT one to pick up a "Wonder Elixir"

Back to previous forked road, and head left until you see a room on the stair, and take a "healing flower" inside.

Exit and continue to the left and pick up a "furry boost" a long the way. On next forked road, take the Right floating platform and pick up a "Shield Elixir".

Now continue following the road, and you'll end up in "Underground Octam".

This end "The Gate of Shadow" Chapter!

Continue to Chapter 14 - Octam Underground

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