Take nearby "Wisdom Water" in the treasure chest, and head to second pilar. On second pilar, at 1st forked road, take DOWN, and pick up a "Speed Elixir".
Now head back, and continue heading RIGHT, until you see a scene where the pilar that holding the city of Octam are moving. Take nearby "Healing Bloom" from treasure chest and continue to next area.
Now continue to next area, and enter nearby hollow pilar with "Magic Leaf" inside.
Now, head down first and take the "Gala's Mace" inside pilar, before back and continue your journey to the LEFT.
Now on the left you'll see another pilar with "Healing Flower" inside. Pick up and head up!
Continue to Chapter 15 - Vidna in Crisis
Now, save your progress on nearby save point, and proceed your way until your way is blocked by lava.
Now hop onto the floating stone, and you'll end up at a place with nearby treasure chest, containing "Phoenix".
Leave it, as it will turn into a Life water when you pick it up later. Hop back onto the stone and choose "Go On".
Now, you'll see "Xain" punching the bottom of the pilar which the one causing city of Octam collapse. Dont talk to him just yet, but head UP to nearby treasure chest containing "Door of Light".
Let it be, and pick up later as it will turn into a "Magic Water".
Now, do a leveling here, and aim to raise Vahn's level to 18 so he can enter 7 directional command, and Noa's at level 18 so she can use 8 directional command..
Also, try to absorb Seru Magic "Gola Gola" (when lava still active) or Freed and Gizam ( when lava is frozen ).
Now talk to "Xain" 3 times, and he'll realize that you are his enemy. Say YES and yu'll fight him. Here the strategy to defeat him :
- Having the team at least lv 17-18 will give fair challenge, while below that will pretty hard to beat Xain.
- Defender chain help to block his normal attack
- Spirit when Xain "saving his strenght"
- Earth Jewel said to be able to reduce his "Terio Punch" damage.
Here's example on how to beat him, by Legaia Wiki.
Now that he's down, you'll get a "Wind Book II" which is 2nd hyper art for NOA "Vulture Blade". Xain then curse you by freezing sorrounding lava.
Now head up and take previously treasure chest containing "Life Water", and head left to take previous treasure chest containing "Magic Water".
Now, on the fartest lower right of the area, there will be another treasure chest containing " Incense". Now back to Octam Underground, either by walk manually to leveling or using a "Door of Light".
Now this mark the end of Chapter 14 - Fire Path!